Saturday, February 5, 2011

Congrats to the Darfield Earthship house for winning 'A Better Organic World Contest.'

In April 2010 North of 50 ran a story about a Darfield couple, Sandra Burkholder and Chris Newton, who were building an ultra eco-friendly earthship house. I have just received a press release announcing that Sandra won So Nice's (the organic soy beverage company) "A Better Organic World" contest.
The Grand Prize was $5000, which Sandra will use to help execute her sustainable plan, The Darfield Earthship.

In her winning contest entry, Sandra stated that she would spend $5,000 toward a better organic world on teaching and demonstrating a sustainable lifestyle. In July 2009, her family began building an earthship – a sustainable house built of used tires and pop cans. Burkholder said they would invest the $5,000 in developing teaching tools to educate the many visitors that they have, and will continue to have, once their earthship is completed in early 2011.  At the end of this blog post is a link to the original story if you're interested.  

“Since we found out we were the Grand Prize winners, we've had a hard time keeping it to ourselves while all the details were being finalized,” said Sandra. “The first thing we are planning to do is to create signage to explain how an earthship integrates green building methods, water conservation, organic growing techniques and renewable energy into one home. We hope to educate the hundreds of visitors we receive each year, and perhaps to inspire them to live greener, better organic lives."

Sandra's entry was chosen out of 20 contest finalists by a 6-person independent judging panel, consisting of (in alphabetical order):
Lindsay Coulter
Élise Desaulniers
Valerie Lugonja
Celine MacKay
Raul Pacheco
Kate Trgovac

The So Nice “A Better Organic World” contest ran from August 16 to December 31, 2010 and resulted in 500+ entries from across North America.

Here's a link to the story from our past-issues archive. It is a large pdf file Darfield Earth House, April 2010 North of 50

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